Network in a bahhh-tull…

The most common piece of advice I’ve heard during my job search is that I must network.  Apparently, according to the advisers, over 75% of jobs are obtained through a connection. That’s a pretty big number.  I’m not sure how they arrived at it, but if I’m a betting man, it looks like I’m betterContinue reading “Network in a bahhh-tull…”

Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas any more.

I started a post last week (not this one) and have the rest of it laid out in my head just waiting for my fingers to start tap, tap, tapping away on the keyboard.  Apparently it’s common for bloggers, myself included, to start writing and leave it go, potentially forever, as lost film on a cuttingContinue reading “Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas any more.”