Nice is cool and cool is nice.

Many years ago I was at a wedding.  During the cocktail hour I was hanging out with a college pal.  He wasn’t really a pal but I don’t live in a world of acquaintances,  everyone is my friend.  However, in this case, pal, or friend, is a little bit of a stretch because I’m pretty sure this guyContinue reading “Nice is cool and cool is nice.”

You don’t say. No, really, don’t say.

I know I owe you a blog post or seven on the first half of my Jumpstart program, since it was all I talked about for days,  but I’m fast forwarding to the second half.  This past Monday, my colleagues and I were required to select the companies we’re considering for our pro bono consultingContinue reading “You don’t say. No, really, don’t say.”