You’re getting my help whether you need it or not!

I’ll always remember you as the fine blue-eyed, brown haired fellow who cared so much more about others than he did about himself. My sixth grade “girlfriend” wrote me this message about thirty-two years ago. I wonder if she still remembers me. I look a lot different now. When I was graduating elementary school, weContinue reading “You’re getting my help whether you need it or not!”

Yes, I have to.

I consider myself an extrovert. Contrary to popular belief, extroverts are not just friendly and outgoing, they are people who are energized by being around other people. Some famous extroverts. I guess it’s good company. But that’s not always me one hundred percent of the time. And I wonder, would that then disqualify me as an extrovert?Continue reading “Yes, I have to.”